About On one side hung a very large oil-painting so thoroughly be-smoked, and every way defaced, that in the unequal cro…
Tag: abstract painting
Oscar Murillo: the build-up of content and information at David Zwirner (Hong Kong)
In recent years, Murillo has traveled extensively throughout the world to research and prepare exhibitions and other pro…
KELTIE FERRIS (F(U(T( )U)R)E) at Mitchell Innes & Nash (Video)
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NXc1xEkXfo[/embedyt] Mitchell-Innes & Nash is currently presenting an exh…
Mark Bradford. New Works at Hauser & Wirth (Los Angeles)
Los Angeles… Hauser & Wirth is currently presenting ‘Mark Bradford. New Works,’ the artist’s first gallery exhibitio…
Jean-Baptiste Bernadet Hors Saison at Almine Rech Gallery
Almine Rech Gallery is currently presenting the third solo exhibition by Jean-Baptiste Bernadet, including new paintings…
John Walker at the New York Studio School
John Walker’s exhibition, entitled “The Sea and the Brush,” is a terrific abstract vision of the scenery, oriented towar…
Gerard Mossé: Light from Within
Gerard Mossé, born in Casablanca, has spent many years in America, mostly in New York, where he has a studio in Soho. He…
Kit White at FreedmanArt and the Institute of Fine Arts (NYU)
Kit White, a painter of indisputably lyric accomplishment, is currently showing at two venues: FreedmanArt and the Insti…