Special event:
Talkand Performance. Monday 1 October, 5pm
– It will be like the first warm day after a brutal winter and you greet the sun on your face.
Close my eyes and pretend I don’t exist.
I want to “cultivate a sense of privilege.”
+ (2|Kanye sliders.)
– I’m That Bitch. I did some cocaine and was worried I kept taking
too much in the rotation.
When I don’t work I start to slip away.
– Vaporizer or bong?
+ (@Vaporizer)
-I want to get rid of the interface the phone and just talk without having to dial.
+ (@Bong)
-I forget what else happened, great parties, lots of shrooms, saving one hit for the weekend. I went to this one meeting totally high. It was the perfect use of drugs.
+ *
* == 1 => {@ question1}
* == 2 => {@ question2}
– + question1
– – I hate how someone can just insert themselves into your life. Suddenly you’re thinking about them and wondering what they’re doing, wanting to chat, share things.
– + question2
– – It seems like I have to fight for little scraps while everyone else gets the whole world and by everyone else I just mean white people.
– ^buttons (“My horoscope is like bitch CALM DE FUCK DOWN.”,”Last week I texted My Husband about grabbing lunch or dinner. He didn’t respond for about ten minutes then asked ‘Do you want to go to Mexico…?’”)
Sadie Coles HQ presents the gallery’s first exhibition with Los Angeles-based artist Martine Syms.