Why Every Artist Should Travel Around the World

Are there any artists out there? If you count yourself in that group, then you truly know the value and importance of art. Have you ever become so lost in a painting that you felt disconnected from reality?

Art is meaningful in a way that only a few understand. While many people may see artworks as just color and shapes, they are actually much more than that! An artist often mirrors their entire life in their art — their struggles, joys, and pains.

Sometimes, you can stare at a painting for hours and still not understand what it is trying to tell you. And it’s always trying to tell you something! Have you ever tried to capture your entire life story in one canvas? (It’s hard, I know!) Artists sometimes spend months, even years trying to create a piece of art that reflects their feelings.

Often, a piece of art involves a lot of research – initial sketches, life drawings, photographs of subject matter, etc. Sometimes, that research even extends to travel. Traveling to different places can be enormously inspirational – and it’s a tactic many use when they need to get out of a rut and breathe new life into their work.

Well, I can take a guess at what you might be thinking at the moment — “Why should I see the Statue of Liberty to feel inspired?” or “Why should I visit Rome just to create a piece of art?” The answer is that travel influences us and changes us in ways we could never even imagine.

When you see new places and visit new cities, you will feel the urge to create something new. There are many reasons an artist should travel around the world, and you should do it too.

Learning new things

It’s no surprise that when you get to a new place, you are exposed to countless experiences. You get the chance to see new things that have all kinds of different meanings. You meet new people who are from different backgrounds (and honestly, learning new things only makes you realize how little you know of the world!).

This new collection of knowledge you gather on your travels will help you make art and try out new forms of art. Who knows – it may even be the only thing you need to create your new masterpiece!

Drawing inspiration from nature

Everyone would agree that nature is art wherever you go. Just because you have been on the beach near your home doesn’t mean the beach in Australia is the same (Every place is different!). You would be delighted to know that each place has its own color, texture, and structure.

Seeing all these different art forms together can get the juices in your head running and give you inspiration. A scenery you saw out in the woods can become your next artwork or even signify something bigger in your life.

Seeing art in a new city

Having a look at art from other artists is always a great way to bring out the creativity in you. Make your way to a museum or an art gallery to see what other artists have done and what you can do. In fact, many cities are art hubs — New York, Paris, Barcelona, Rome, and the list goes on.

You can see new paintings and discover the artists’ styles. Learning their stories and the inspiration they had when creating their art can ignite sparks within you (a fellow artist is always helpful!). At the very least, if you don’t gather any inspiration from this, you will have seen some new art (and that counts for something!).

Discovering everyday life

Feeling confused by how everyday life could spark inspiration in you? After all, it’s mundane – that’s the point. However, everyone’s lives are different. That’s why when you go to a new place, you should always explore the local food, meet locals, and enjoy the local scene. It will enrich you in unimaginable ways!

Each country has different people who eat different foods and come from different cultural backgrounds. While you may have read or heard about these, experiencing them in real life is another thing.

You will be surprised to find out how some people are living completely different lives from you. You can use this as inspiration to form unique ideas for your art.


Have you ever wanted to travel the world? Traveling will surely give you insight into the importance of art. Traveling definitely changes you and gives you a new outlook on life. Don’t you feel different whenever you come back home from a holiday?

This is a wake-up call for all artists! Whether you can go to 10 new cities or just 1, traveling is worth it! You will never be disappointed. Your art will speak about the travel experiences you had and it will stay with you for a lifetime.

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This article was originally published on another website. It is a re-posted article.

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