Petzel Gallery is currently showing a solo exhibition by London-based artist John Stezaker. This is the artist’s fifth s…
Sam Gilliam: 1967 – 1973 at Mnuchin Gallery
This is the artist’s first solo exhibition in New York in nearly twenty-five years, and coincides with his installation …
Matt Mullican: Representing That World at Mai 36 Galerie, Zürich
Matt Mullican (born 1951 in Santa Monica, California, lives and works in Berlin and New York) began an intensive explora…
Luca Bertolo: Le Belle Parole / The Beautiful Words at SpazioA, Pistoia
The show’s title might work as a translation of Ñe’e Porã, the special language Guarani shamans adopt when addressing …
!Mediengruppe Bitnik: Are You Online Now? at Annka Kultys Gallery
!Mediengruppe Bitnik (read – not mediengruppe bitnik) is an artist collective, with two members Carmen Weisskopf and Dom…
George Condo: Life is Worth Living at Almine Rech Gallery
In his new exhibition “Life is Worth Living”, a title taken from an old note he once sent to his long-time friend Bernar…
William Leavitt: Retrospective at Mamco
As part of the same Californian artistic milieu as Allen Ruppersberg, Guy de Cointet, and Bas Jan Ader—with whom he in p…
Paul McCarthy: Cut Up and Silicone, Female Idol, WS at Kukje Gallery K2
Paul McCarthy occupies a critically important place in contemporary art. Over more than four decades his work has repeat…
MoMA Art Debuts In Paris
[embedyt][/embedyt] Being Modern: MoMA in Paris draws together a superb and …
Alicja Kwade: Revolution Orbita at Kamel Mennour (London)
Time is space in movement. Alicja Kwade’s recent works invite the viewer to take a trip in the weight and measure of rea…