Stacie Feinstein Doesn’t Pay The Artists

Do not do any Art related or any business at all with Stacie Feinstein art consulting. Also, please read the comment at the bottom of the article from another victim.

Stacie Feinstein does not pay her artists. We have all the documents to prove a transaction between Staci Feinstein and an artist who was contacted by her via email. She apparently paid for a painting to be shipped to Seattle as long as the artist would pay for the $400 shipping fee to ship the painting from NYC. After a few months later she took a reversal chargeback from her credit card and never returned the painting. Be careful when doing any business with Stacie Feinstein and her company and spread the word out!  The police have been noticed in New York City. If you would like to see the proof then please email us at

Here is her Instagram


Below is the mission painting. If you are in possession of this painting then you are in possession of a stolen painting/property. Please contact us at and let us know so we can help the artist get his painting back.

This is a sponsored post and the opinion belong’s solely to the original author of the view/opinion and does not represent the views and opinions of Arte Fuse. The author showed us proof that Stacie Feinstein paid for the painting via Pay-Pal then many months later she reversed the payment via her credit card company and never returned the work.

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This article was Re-Posted from another source. It is not an article by ArteFuse Magazine

  1. I just came upon this story. It is so unfortunate! Feinstein has a history of this type of behavior. When she is confronted she feigns surprise and attempts to shame the accuser. She’s made off with quite a bit using this tactic as many of her victims are too embarrassed for her to press charges. Beware.

    1. Thanks for sharing this. She is a scammer who loves to rip off struggling artists. Everyone be aware!!

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