Neurology Specialist Singapore: What Questions do they ask in a Consultation?

If you were referred to a neurology specialist in Singapore and you’re readying yourself for an appointment it is natural to constantly wonder what questions to ask them or what they will ask, more on that later. Walking into a neurology clinic for the first time often come with of curiosity that may be tinged with a bit of nervousness and apprehension.

This is especially true if there are concerns that you may be dealing with complex conditions like Cerebellopontine Angle (CPA) tumor. Read more about the condition and how it is managed on this page:

The good news is that the environment is usually welcoming and professional. And as you probably already expect, the initial conversation may involve questions which the specialist asks to get to the root of what exactly you’re grappling with. Read on for an overview of what questions are asked and what to ask but first;

What are 4 things Neurologists Check during a Neurological Exam?

To begin, the aim of the neurological exam your neurology specialist in Singapore will put you through is to assess the function of your nervous system. That said, the key things that neurologists check during a neurological exam includes;

  • Motor function and balance
  • Mental health status
  • Sensory exam and
  • Functioning of the nerves of your brain

·      Motor Function and Balance

Assessing motor function and balance helps your neurology specialist in Singapore to evaluate your nerve and muscle function. This assessment essentially involves testing resistance against the neurologist’s hands to gauge your strength and muscle response.

Balance assessments may involve standing with closed eyes or gentle pushes to detect issues in inner ear problems or coordination. There are also passive and active joint movements that may help pinpoint any stiffness or restricted mobility.

·      Mental Health Status

Your neurology specialist in Singapore may recommend a mental health check to understand your level of awareness and interaction with the environment. This evaluation involves conversing to gauge awareness of person, place, and time.

During these assessments, the neurologist pays attention to your speech clarity and coherence during conversation. What’s more, these assessments may involve observing you during regular interactions to assess your mental status.

These assessments help detect cognitive issues, memory problems, or changes in mental clarity. So, they help with comprehensive neurological evaluation and treatment planning.

·      Sensory Exam

A sensory exam may be recommended for you to evaluate your ability to perceive sensations like touch, temperature, and pain. For this procedure, your neurology specialist may use tools like dull needles, tuning forks, or swabs to test your responses to stimuli on various body parts.

This assessment aims to identify any abnormalities in sensation. For example, it can identify reduced sensitivity or heightened perception, which can indicate nerve damage or neurological issues.Top of Form

Functioning of the Nerves of your Brain

There are 12 key nerves connected to the brain. These are known as the cranial nerves and during an assessment, the neurologist may check for various functions like smell, vision, hearing and facial movements.

You can expect the specialist to examine your eye movements, response to visual stimuli, hearing and balance, facial sensations and muscle strength. An assessment of the functioning of the nerves of your brain does not only offer insights into potential neurological issues. They also help with an accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment depending on the unique needs of your condition.

What are Some Neurological Questions?

During the meeting with a neurology specialist on Singapore, the questions you will be asked will be carefully structured to help the specialist understand your symptoms, medical history and most importantly, lifestyle factors that may be related to your neurological health. Due to the significance of these questions, it is important that you not only answer truthfully but also provide detailed information about your symptoms, severity and any changes. With that in mind, here are some of the key neurological questions you can expect during an appointment with a neurologist;Top of Form

·      Have you had any Challenges with Swallowing or Speaking?

The question about challenges with swallowing or speaking helps neurologists assess various neurological conditions. Difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia) or speaking (dysarthria) might indicate issues with nerve function or muscle control in the throat, mouth, or vocal cords.

It can be linked to neurological disorders like stroke, Parkinson’s disease, or ALS. This question helps identify possible nerve or muscle-related problems that affect vital functions. By observing changes in speech or swallowing patterns, your neurology specialist in Singapore is best placed to diagnose conditions early for timely intervention and appropriate treatments to manage or alleviate these symptoms.

·      Have you had to see a specialist for neurological conditions like strokes, transient ischemic attacks, seizures, or head injuries?

Neurologists inquire about past experiences with neurological conditions such as strokes, transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), seizures, or head injuries to get an understanding of your medical history comprehensively. This question helps the specialist to understand any prior occurrences that might impact your current neurological health.

It helps the neurologist assess risk factors, potential causes of existing symptoms, or recurring issues. Information about previous neurological events can also help with accurate diagnosis. This information can also guide appropriate treatment plans, and offer preventive measures.Top of Form

·      Are you currently dealing with any neurological issues? For example, headaches, dizziness, numbness, weakness, tingling, tremors, balance problems, or coordination difficulties?

Your neurology specialist may inquire about ongoing neurological issues like headaches, dizziness, numbness, and more to understand the symptoms you’re showing. Being able to identify specific concerns, durations, assess patterns and triggers can help with potential diagnoses.

This question can uncover crucial details that can help with the diagnosis of conditions like nerve disorders, neurological conditions that affect movement or sensation and migraines etc. Symptoms like weakness, balance problems, or tremors can help point to potential issues with the nervous system.

·      Have you had any recent incidents of falling?

When asked about recent falls, the neurologist may want to assess your balance, coordination and potential neurological issues. Having recent incidents of falling may be suggestive of problems with mobility, sensation or strength.

They may hint at neurological conditions like peripheral neuropathy or even Parkinson’s disease. Try to answer these questions to the best of your ability as they will help the specialist evaluate any risks you may have of neurological disorders or injuries. They also help the specialists determine the needs for any further tests, life adjustments or any other interventions.

It’s a Wrap!

The questions asked in neurological appointments are usually very direct so they should be easy to understand. Also, a knowledgeable neurology specialist will use simple language with no medical jargons so it is easy for you to comprehend what you’re being asked.

Feel free to seek clarifications for questions you may have missed. To schedule an appointment with an experienced neurology specialist in Singapore, call or visit us at;

Chou Neuroscience Clinic

1 Farrer Park Station Road

#08-06 Connexion

Singapore 217562

6 Napier Road

#08-08 Gleneagles Medical Centre

Singapore 258499

+65 6694 7942

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This article was originally published on another website. It is a re-posted article.

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