Men’s Health Singapore: How to Talk to the Doctor about Your Health

If recent studies are to be trusted, only three in five get an annual physical exam. And, just over 40 percent visit the doctor ONLY when they fear a serious condition.

But, regular visits to the doctor aren’t anything to ignore. When you keep getting regular men’s health check ups in Singapore as advised, you’re best placed to detect diseases that threaten men’s health before they get out of hand.

This includes prostate cancer, which affects one in six men. High blood pressure too often goes unnoticed, but regular checkups can keep it in check. This article discusses the issue; of how to discuss awkward men’s health issues with your doctor but first;

How do you start a Conversation with a Doctor?

Let’s face it; starting a conversation with your doctor—especially if it is your first visit to a specialist can be daunting. But, the conversation is still good for your health so you’re on the right track if you’re searching; “How to start a conversation with a doctor?”

To start a conversation with a doctor and optimize your visit, there are three elements that should guide you; set yourself an agenda, ask questions, and be honest when talking with your doctor or answering their questions. Here is why these elements are important;

     I.         Setting Agendas

Doctors’ visits are often short. In most cases, they last just about 15-20 minutes, so you will want to prioritize your concerns by setting an agenda. That said, before your visit, create a list of topics you want to address.

Carry the list with you to the appointment and introduce the topics at the start of your appointment. The quality of the time spent with your doctor is more important than the length of the visit. So, be sure to outline the medical problems, fears, or worries you wish to discuss.

   II.         Asking Questions

Medical visits especially when seeing someone like a specialist in men’s health in Singapore can be overwhelming. And, doctors might present information too quickly or in complex terms.

So, don’t hesitate to ask questions. Try your best to understand your doctor’s advice. Here, you will want to ask them to clarify any medical jargon in plain language if necessary.

Repeat the information back to your doctor to ensure you understand correctly. If something isn’t clear, it’s perfectly natural to ask for a different explanation. Emphasize your concerns, especially if you feel your doctor is skipping an issue.

 III.         Be Honest

You probably, already understand this but it is a point worth mentioning nonetheless. Honesty is vital in conversations with your doctor.

So, we recommend that you share your worries and concerns, even if they seem embarrassing. A qualified doctor won’t mind you providing detailed information about your lifestyle, social obligations, and relationships as these pieces of information help them get a complete picture of your overall well-being.

This detailed information allows your specialist in men’s health in Singapore to assess lifestyle factors that might affect your health. That said; don’t be afraid to discuss any pain or discomfort you’re experiencing, no matter how minor it seems.

How do you talk with Your Doctor about Awkward Men’s Health Issues?

Discussing issues like erectile dysfunction, hair loss, gynecomastia, and relationship woes can be difficult. And issues like an unsatisfying sex life or a drop in confidence your confidence can be too overwhelming to bring up.

But to find solutions, you must learn to express concerns and ask questions about your health. Here are seven simple strategies for opening up to your doctor about men’s health problems:

  • Research the Topic Start by researching the health issue you’re concerned about. Not only will you learn enough to help you formulate the best questions for your physician, but you’ll also quickly discover that you’re not alone. It doesn’t really matter what is bugging you. Your doctor have heard and dealt with it before. To make it easier to discuss your condition with your doctor, strive to know more about it beforehand.
  • Get Specific and Speak Openly:When it’s time to talk to your doctor, don’t be ashamed to admit that you’re nervous. Let your doctor know how you’re feeling before launching into specifics about your condition. Be clear about your symptoms and experiences in your own words. When the doctor explains things to you, ask questions. If something doesn’t make sense, ask for clarification or for visual aids like diagrams or X-ray images to help you understand.
  • Don’t Suffer in Silence: The sad reality is that many men let health problems go undiscussed. But silence doesn’t allow for solutions. No matter what your health dilemma is, chances are good your doctor can assist. Incidentally, the sooner you seek help for sensitive health issues, the better placed you’ll be to address them. Speaking up is the first step towards finding relief and improving your quality of life.
  • Write Down Your Questions:Plan your questions about your appointment. Jot notes on your smartphone or write your questions on a piece of paper. Having a prepared list ensures you won’t forget to mention any details or questions you want to ask. This approach also makes it easier to communicate your concerns effectively without feeling pressured or forgetful during the appointment.
  • Bring a Support Person: If you’re feeling particularly anxious, consider bringing a trusted friend or family member to your appointment. They can provide emotional support and help you remember the questions you want to ask. Sometimes having someone there can make you feel more comfortable and less alone when discussing sensitive health issues.
  • Be Honest About Your Lifestyle: The doctors you will be seeing for men’s health in Singapore need a full picture of your lifestyle to provide the best care. This includes being honest about your diet, exercise habits, sexual activity, and any substance use. Transparency helps your doctor make more accurate diagnoses and recommend effective treatments. Remember, doctors are there to help, not judge.

Closing Thoughts

The best way to talk about your health with the doctor is to understand your health and be open. But it doesn’t end after the appointment.

Still, when the appointment is done, make sure to follow up on any tests, treatments, or referrals your doctor recommends. For example, you may be prescribed medication.

If this is the case, take the medication as directed and report any side effects. Also, keep track of your symptoms and progress, and don’t hesitate to contact your doctor if you have further questions or concerns.

If you’re looking to visit a clinic that specializes in men’s health in Singapore, engage Dr. Ben Medical today. To schedule a consultation, call or visit the facility at;

Dr Ben Medical @ Tanjong Pagar | ED Treatment | STD Treatment Singapore

160 Robinson Road, #03-09,

SBF Center, Medical Suites,

Singapore 068914

+65 8881 2344

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This article was originally published on another website. It is a re-posted article.

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